







Ann R. Vaughan

VA Gooch DB 30.454

20 Aug 1835

John M. Vaughan, excr Doctor Nicholas M. Vaughan, dec’d. & Ann R. Vaughan, widow of Doctor Nicholas M. Vaughan, dec’d.

Miles C. Selden, of Henrico Co.


James R., Lickinghole Cr.

$20000. Known as Orapaks. Nicholas M. Vaughan purchased from Randolph Harrison. Adj. James R., Lickinghole Cr., John M. Trevelian, Samuel Cocke, Samuel Finch, Robert Stanard. Witnesses: None. Recorded 21 Dec 1835.

VA Gooch DB 31.244

1 Sep 1837

Isaac P. Vaughan

Richard C. Vaughan, trustee fbo Ann R. Vaughan, gdn. of Ann Catharine Vaughan & Jane Pleasant Vaughan, orphans of Nicholas C. Vaughan, dec’d.

Debt: $772 with interest advanced for him to complete his medical education in Philadelphia in 1836 & 1837. Trust deed mortgage secured by the funds due him upon the death of his mother Ann R. Vaughan. Witnesses: Harriet J. Pleasants, J. M. Garland. Recorded 16 Oct 1837.

Benjamin Vaughan

VA Gooch DB 27.604

9 Dec 1828

Benjamin Vaughan

John Thomasson, of Henrico Co., Trustee fbo...

Trust Deed Mortgage. Anna R. Vaughan released her dower rights. Skipped the rest.

Craddock Vaughan

VA Gooch DB 16.541

25 Dec 1795

Martha Carr & her sons, Peter Carr, Samuel Carr, & Dabney Carr, of Albemarle Co.

Craddock Vaughan


Br. of Little Cr.

£500. Has metes & bounds. Adj. Gilliam, Shelton, Adams, Parrish. Witnesses: Mo. O. Myers, Thos. Wilkinson, Humphrey Parrish.

VA Gooch DB 17.064

25 Dec 1795

Martha Carr & her sons, Peter Carr, Samuel Carr, & Dabney Carr, of Albemarle Co.

Craddock Vaughan


Br. of Little Cr.

£500. Has metes & bounds. Adj. Gilliam, Shelton, Adams, Parrish. Witnesses: Mo. O. Myers, Thos. Wilkinson, Humphrey Parrish. Recorded 16 Jan 1797.

VA Gooch DB 17.112

25 Apr 1797

Humphrey Parrish & his wife Elizabeth

Craddock Vaughan

7 3/4

Br. of Little Cr.

£6sh19p6. Has metes & bounds. Adj. Gilliam, Parrish, Vaughan. Witnesses: L. Pryor, Dabney Parrish. Recorded 19 Jun 1797.

VA Gooch DB 19.340

18 Sep 1805

Whitehead Ryan & his wife Sarah

Craddock Vaughan

85 3/4

wtrs Little Cr.

£257sh5. Adj. said Vaughan. Witnesses: Timothy T. Smith, Edw’d. N. Cooke, John Smith, Joseph Shelton, John Curd, R. H. Woodson, John Shelton. Recorded 21 Oct 1805.

VA Gooch DB 19.338

23 Sep 1805

Craddock Vaughan & his wife Mary

John L. Harris

123 ½

wtrs Little Cr.

£375sh10. Where Craddock Vaughan now lives. Has metes & bounds. Adj. Archer Payne, said John L. Harris, Humphrey Parrish, John Gray, dec’d, Witnesses: John Curd, John Shelton, R. H. Woodson.

VA Gooch DB 20.365

1 May 1809

Craddock Vaughan

James Carter, et al, trustees fbo Thomas Miller


es ridge

Trust deed mortgage. Purchased from John Adams, agent for Rich’d Adams, dec’d. Skipped the rest.

VA Gooch DB 22.037

3 Sep 1809

Craddock Vaughan

Thomas Wilkinson, Sr., et al, trustees


Trust Deed Mortgage. Skipped the rest.

VA Gooch DB 20.547

__ ___ 1810

Craddock Vaughan & his wife Mary

William Gray, et al trustees fbo Josiah Leake


Trust deed mortgage. Skipped the rest.

VA Gooch DB 21.223

2 Jan 1812

Craddock Vaughan & his wife Mary

John L. Harris

21 3/4

es Ridge Path

£65sh5. Has metes & bounds. Adj. John L. Harris, Craddock Vaughan, John Humphries. Witnesses: John Underwood, Will Gray, William Shelton Mims. Recorded 17 Mar 1812.

VA Gooch DB 21.510

29 Jul 1813

Craddock Vaughan & his wife Mary

William Gray, et al trustees fbo Josiah Leake


Trust deed mortgage. Skipped the rest. Dower Release at DB 21.625.

VA Gooch DB 21.706

31 Oct 1814

Craddock Vaughan & his wife Mary, by ... trustees

Josiah Leake


Foreclosure of trust deed mortgage. Skipped the rest.

VA Gooch DB 22.051

17 Jun 1815

Josiah Leake & his wife Elizabeth

Craddock Vaughan

ws Road leading to Williams Mill

$1. [Reconveyed a portion of land lost by foreclosure.] Witnesses: None. Recorded 24 Aug 1815.

VA Gooch DB 22.030

11 Aug 1815

Craddock Vaughan, by ... trustees

... Trustees

Foreclosure of trust deed mortgage. Skipped the rest.

VA Gooch DB 22.039

11 Aug 1815

Thomas Wilkinson, Jr. for himself and as Excr. of Thomas Wilkinson, Sr. & Trustees

Craddock Vaughan

Release of Trust Deed Mortgage dated in 1809. Witnesses: None. Recorded 21 Aug 1815.

VA Gooch DB 23.013

1 Sep 1816

Trustees of ...

Craddock Vaughan

Release of Trust Deed Mortgage. Skipped the rest.

VA Gooch DB 22.291

2 Sep 1816

... Trustees for Josiah Leake

Craddock Vaughan

Reconveyed land secured by trust deed recorded at DB 20.547. Witnesses: John M. Leake, Wm Humber, W. N. Miller, J. B. Ferguson. Recorded 18 Nov 1816.

VA Gooch DB 24.412

17 Apr 1820

Craddock Vaughan & his wife Mary

Thomas W. Vaughan (their son)


Gift. SE part of land where they reside. Has metes & bounds. Adj. Robert H. Woodson, dec’d., Col. William Gray, William G. Poindexter, Path. Witnesses: None. Recorded 19 Feb 1821.

Edmund Vaughan

VA Gooch DB 10.186

11 Nov 1771

James George & his wife Agatha George

Shadrack Vaughan


Br. Lickinghole Cr.

£75sh10. Adj. Jesse Payne, dec’d., John Parrish, James George, Col. Payne, Valentine Martin, Valentine Woods. Witnesses: George Meriwether, Nicholas Meriwether, Edmund Vaughan. Recorded 20 Jul 1772.

George Washington Vaughan

VA Gooch DB 21.501

13 Nov 1813

George Washington Vaughan, son and distibutee of Matthew Vaughan, dec’d.

John Bass, of Chesterfield Co.


£39. Being his share of 350 acres held by Mary Vaughan as dower lands. Witnesses: Wm Miller, L. H. Pankey, Edward R. Crouch. Recorded 17 Jan 1814.

Henry Hudson Vaughan

VA Gooch DB 18.266

15 Sep 1801

Ambros Knight & his wife Arpasia, of Henrico Co.

James Vaughan

£75. Arpasia’s share of her father Matthew Vaughan’s estate together with her share of the dower lands of Mary Vaughan, widow of Matthew Vaughan. Witnesses: Wm. Galt, Thomas C. Vaughan, Henry Hudson Vaughan. Recorded 19 Oct 1801.

VA Gooch DB 18.342

21 Sep 1801

James Vaughan & his wife Judith

Thomas Puryear, of Stanon Co.

£64sh10. Land allotted to Ambrose Knight. Corner of Goochland, Hanover & Henrico Counties. Adj. Rich’d. Lovell, Neal McCook, Hez’h Henley, Hudson Vaughan, Dandridge. Witnesses: W. Miller, Rich Bates, Nicholas M. Vaughan. Recorded 19 Apr 1802.

VA Gooch DB 18.490-1

10 Sep 1802

Henry Hudson Vaughan

John Bass, of Chesterfield Co.


$1. Dower land of his mother Mary Vaughan, widow of Matthews Vaughan. Witnesses: Arthur Bass, Thomas Bass, Carp’t., John Bass, Jr. Recorded 17 Jan 1803.

VA Gooch DB 18.576

8 Feb 1803

James Vaughan

John Curd & Nicholas M. Vaughan


wtrs Tuckahoe Cr.

Indemnity agreement secured Trust Deed Mortgage secured by by land & slaves. Adj. Daniel Wade, Henry H. Vaughan, Mary Vaughan, John Bass & his wife Nancy. Witnesses: None. Recorded 20 Jun 1803.

Isaac P. Vaughan

VA Gooch DB 30.127

20 Feb 1834

John M. Vaughan & his wife Rebecca Pocahontas

Samuel Cocke


Stage Rd., Cartersville Rd., Charlottesville Rd.

$1000. Has metes & bounds. Adj. Nat. Banks, Samuel Finch, John M. Trevilean. Witnesses: J. B. Ferguson, Wm F. Carter, Rich’d C. Vaughan, Isaac P. Vaughan. Recorded 21 Jul 1834.

VA Gooch DB 31.244

1 Sep 1837

Isaac P. Vaughan

Richard C. Vaughan, trustee fbo Ann R. Vaughan, gdn. of Ann Catharine Vaughan & Jane Pleasant Vaughan, orphans of Nicholas C. Vaughan, dec’d.

Debt: $772 with interest advanced for him to complete his medical education in Philadelphia in 1836 & 1837. Trust deed mortgage secured by the funds due him upon the death of his mother Ann R. Vaughan. Witnesses: Harriet J. Pleasants, J. M. Garland. Recorded 16 Oct 1837.

Jack Vaughan

VA Gooch DB 18.195

20 Dec 1799

Mary Vaughan

Micajah Crew, of Hanover Co.

Personal Property. Witnesses: Shadrack Vaughan, Unity Crew, Jack Vaughan. Recorded 15 Jun 1801.

VA Gooch DB 18.453

11 Oct 1802

Mary Thomas

Mary Vaughan


sh25 per acre. Mary Thomas’ share of her father Matthew Vaughan’s estate. Witnesses: Jack Vaughan, Lamud? Nuckols, Andrew K. Nuckols. Recorded 18 Oct 1802.

VA Gooch DB 18.490-2

23 Dec 1802

Mary Vaughan

William Barnett


wtrs Tuckahoe Cr.

£116. Mary Thomas’ share of her father Matthew Vaughan’s estate laid off to her and her husband Daniel Thomas, since dec’d. Witnesses: John Barnett, Elisha Barnett, Jack Vaughan. Recorded 17 Jan 1803.

VA Gooch DB 19.241

24 Oct 1804

Jack Vaughan & his wife Rhoda

James Vaughan



£145. Jack Vaughan’s share of his father Matthew Vaughan’s estate. Witnesses: Thomas C. Vaughan, Gideon Hatcher, D. Guerrant, Ellis Puryear. Recorded 17Jun 1805.

VA Gooch DB 23.005

10 Jan 1812

James Vaughan, of Richmond

Elizabeth S. Peers


£145. Jack Vaughan’s share of his father Matthew Vaughan’s estate. Witnesses: E. W. Trent, Wm B. Taylor, John Curd, Thos Curd. Recorded 31 Jul 1817.

James Vaughan

VA Gooch DB 13.130

5 Mar 1781

Edmund Legwood & his wife Mary, of Powhatan Co.

James Vaughan


Tuckaho Cr. & Goldmine Cr.

40,000 lbs. tobacco. Where John Watson lately lived. Has metes & bounds. Adj. Capt. John Hughes, Bibb, William Barnett, Richard Bibb. Witnesses: Robert Dandridge, Joseph Watson, Matthew Vaughan. Recorded Oct 1781.

VA Gooch DB 15.007

16 Feb 1788

James Vaughan

Matthew Vaughan (brother) or Nathaniel Pope

Power of attorney to sign an appeal bond. Witnesses: William Duval, Samuel Duvall. Recorded 18 Feb 1788.

VA Gooch DB 15.238

14 May 1788

James Vaughan & his wife Elizabeth, of Henrico Co.

Smith Payne, of St. James Northam Parish


£5. Purchased from Edmond Logwood. Adj. William Barnett, John Red, William Sanders, John Lyme, John Huges. Witnesses: Thos. Hatcher, Hez’ky Puryear, John Neves, Benja. Johnson, Benja. Davenport. Recorded 15 Dec 1788.

VA Gooch DB 16.259

14 Mar 1794

James Vaughan & his wife Elizabeth; and Smith Payne, trustee

Matthew Vaughan


£206. Sale of property subject to mortgage. Adj. William Barrett, John Red, William Saunders, John Lyme, John Hughes. Witnesses: John Purrington, John M. Peers, John Bass. Recorded 17 Mar 1794.

VA Gooch DB 17.409

15 Oct 1798

James Vaughan

Thomas Miller

Mortgage secured by rights to the estate of his father Matthew Vaughan. Recorded 22 May 1799.

VA Gooch DB 18.197

19 May 1801

James Vaughan & his wife Judith

Daniel Wade

59 ½

£74. Adj. Price’s old spring, John Red. Distribution from my father Matthew Vaughan’s estate. Witnesses: Ro. H. Saunders, Heath J. Miller, Gideon Hatcher, D. Guerrant. Recorded 15 Jun 1801.

VA Gooch DB 18.266

15 Sep 1801

Ambros Knight & his wife Arpasia, of Henrico Co.

James Vaughan

£75. Arpasia’s share of her father Matthew Vaughan’s estate together with her share of the dower lands of Mary Vaughan, widow of Matthew Vaughan. Witnesses: Wm. Galt, Thomas C. Vaughan, Henry Hudson Vaughan. Recorded 19 Oct 1801.

VA Gooch DB 18.342

21 Sep 1801

James Vaughan & his wife Judith

Thomas Puryear, of Stanon Co.

£64sh10. Land allotted to Ambrose Knight. Corner of Goochland, Hanover & Henrico Counties. Adj. Rich’d. Lovell, Neal McCook, Hez’h Henley, Hudson Vaughan, Dandridge. Witnesses: W. Miller, Rich Bates, Nicholas M. Vaughan. Recorded 19 Apr 1802.

VA Gooch DB 19.135

23 Nov 1801

Daniel Thomas & his wife Mary

James Vaughan

£70. Mary Thomas’ share of her father Matthew Vaughan’s estate; and her share of the dower lands of her mother Mary Vaughan. Witnesses: Daniel Wade, Elisha Barnett. Recorded 19 Dec 1804. Dower release at DB 19.136.

VA Gooch DB 24.217

2 Aug 1802

James Vaughan, of Richmond

Daniel Wade


Tuckyhoe Cr.

£100. Adj. Wade, Matthew Vaughan, dec’d, John Bass, H. Henley. Witnesses: Gid Hatcher, James Watson, Eliza Cordes. Recorded 20 Dec 1819.

VA Gooch DB 18.462

6 Oct 1802

Thomas Moore

Daniel Wade, trustee fbo James Vaughan


Trust deed mortgage secured by land. Thomas Moore purchased from James Vaughan. Skipped the rest.

VA Gooch DB 19.533

15 Nov 1802

James Vaughan, et al


Bond for James Vaughan to serve as Deputy Sheriff. Recorded 19 Aug 1806.

VA Gooch DB 18.576

8 Feb 1803

James Vaughan

John Curd & Nicholas M. Vaughan


wtrs Tuckahoe Cr.

Indemnity agreement secured Trust Deed Mortgage secured by by land & slaves. Adj. Daniel Wade, Henry H. Vaughan, Mary Vaughan, John Bass & his wife Nancy. Witnesses: None. Recorded 20 Jun 1803.

VA Gooch DB 18.661

19 Sep 1803

James Vaughan, et al


Bond for James Vaughan to serve as Collector of Levies. Recorded 19 Sep 1803.

VA Gooch DB 19.241

24 Oct 1804

Jack Vaughan & his wife Rhoda

James Vaughan



£145. Jack Vaughan’s share of her father Matthew Vaughan’s estate. Witnesses: Thomas C. Vaughan, Gideon Hatcher, D. Guerrant, Ellis Puryear. Recorded 17Jun 1805.

VA Gooch DB 19.488

23 Nov 1803

Neal M. Cook & his wife Nancy, of Hanover Co.

James Vaughan


£100. Goochland and Henrico Co. Adj. Henley, David Goings, Rich’d Loving, Sarah Symes. Witnesses: N. Pope, Jr., Ro. H. Saunders, Daniel Wade. Recorded 16 Jun 1806.

VA Gooch DB 19.371

20 Apr 1805

George Purkins

John Curd, et al, trustees fbo James Vaughan

Trust deed mortgage. Skipped the rest.

VA Gooch DB 19.296

16 Sep 1805

James Vaughan, et al


Bond for James Vaughan to serve as Collector of Levies. Recorded 16 Sep 1805.

VA Gooch DB 19.301

22 Oct 1805

Daniel Guerrant

Daniel Wade, et al, trustees fbo James Vaughan

Trust deed mortgage. Skipped the rest.

VA Gooch DB 19.527

13 Nov 1805

James Vaughan

Robert H. Saunders, et al, trustee fbo Daniel Wade attorney in fact for James Mantiloe


Trust deed mortgage. Purchased from Daniel Wade attorney in fact for James Mantiloe. Skipped the rest.

VA Gooch DB 19.494

26 Nov 1805

James Vaughan

John Miller, et al


Mortgage. Tract 1: 94 acres purchased from John Vaughan; Tract 2: 94 acres purchased from Robert Harlow; Tract 3: 64 acres purchased from Thomas Moore; Tract 4: 230 acres purchased from John Mantelo; and slaves. Witnesses: N. Pope, Jr., David Royster, John Pollock, Thos. C. Vaughan, John Bowles, John L. Dickenson. Recorded 21 Jul 1806.

VA Gooch DB 21.005

17 May 1810

James Vaughan

John Tinsley, et al, trustees fbo Thomas pope

Trust deed mortgage secured by personal property. Skipped the rest.

VA Gooch DB 24.468

2 Sep 1811

James Vaughan

Richard M. Caul



£318. Four tracts. Three allotted to his sisters, daus. of Matthew Vaughan and the dower tract allotted to Mary Vaughan, widow. Tract 1: 40 acres conveyed by Ambros Knight and his wife Arpasia; Tract 2: 40 acres conveyed by Daniel Thomas and Mary his wife; Tract 3: 40 acres conveyed by Philip Rice & his wife Martha; and Tract 4: 84 acres conveyed by Robert Harlow. Witnesses: (Numerous). Recorded 19 May 1821.

VA Gooch DB 23.005

10 Jan 1812

James Vaughan, of Richmond

Elizabeth S. Peers


£145. Jack Vaughan’s share of his father Matthew Vaughan’s estate. Witnesses: E. W. Trent, Wm B. Taylor, John Curd, Thos Curd. Recorded 31 Jul 1817.

John Vaughan

VA Gooch DB 19.494

26 Nov 1805

James Vaughan

John Miller, et al


Mortgage. Tract 1: 94 acres purchased from John Vaughan; Tract 2: 94 acres purchased from Robert Harlow; Tract 3: 64 acres purchased from Thomas Moore; Tract 4: 230 acres purchased from John Mantelo; and slaves. Witnesses: N. Pope, Jr., David Royster, John Pollock, Thos. C. Vaughan, John Bowles, John L. Dickenson. Recorded 21 Jul 1806.

John Meriwether Vaughan

VA Gooch DB 22.390

2 Apr 1817

John M. Vaughan, of Tn.

William Hopkins


Big Bird Cr.

$35. 1/4 of a 1/9 part of 344 acres. Adj. Thomas Binford, William Hopkins. Land in possession of Mary Hopkins. His mother __ Vaughan was one of nine children of John Hopkins. Mary Hopkins was the widow of John Hopkins. He was one of four children. Witnesses: James Daniel, William Price, William Daniel. Recorded 21 Apr 1817.

VA Gooch DB 29.031

16 Nov 1830

Nicholas M. Vaughan

John Meriwether Vaughan (son)

Power of attorney to handle affairs. Witnesses: George Payne, R. W. Pleasants, Chas. T. Pope, J. B. Ferguson. Recorded 21 Feb 1831.

VA Gooch DB 29.540

1 Oct 1832

Nicholas M. Vaughan & his wife Anna R. Vaughan

John M. Vaughan


$1. Witnesses: C. H. Massee, K. V. Argyle, Ed Garland. Recorded 18 Mar 1833.

VA Gooch DB 29.710

8 Nov 1833

Nathaniel Banks & his wife Rhoda

..., trustees fbo John M. Vaughan

Trust Deed Mortgage. Skipped the rest.

VA Gooch DB 30.127

20 Feb 1834

John M. Vaughan & his wife Rebecca Pocahontas

Samuel Cocke


Stage Rd., Cartersville Rd., Charlottesville Rd.

$1000. Has metes & bounds. Adj. Nat. Banks, Samuel Finch, John M. Trevilean. Witnesses: J. B. Ferguson, Wm F. Carter, Rich’d C. Vaughan, Isaac P. Vaughan. Recorded 21 Jul 1834.

VA Gooch DB 30.033

21 Feb 1834

Samuel Cocke, Sr. & his wife Sukey

..., trustees fbo John M. Vaughan

Trust Deed Mortgage. Skipped the rest.

VA Gooch DB 30.454

20 Aug 1835

John M. Vaughan, excr Doctor Nicholas M. Vaughan, dec’d. & Ann R. Vaughan, widow of Doctor Nicholas M. Vaughan, dec’d.

Miles C. Selden, of Henrico Co.


James R., Lickinghole Cr.

$20000. Known as Orapaks. Nicholas M. Vaughan purchased from Randolph Harrison. Adj. James R., Lickinghole Cr., John M. Trevelian, Samuel Cocke, Samuel Finch, Robert Stanard. Witnesses: None. Recorded 21 Dec 1835.

VA Gooch DB 30.453

3 Nov 1835

John M. Trevilean & his wife Mary Ann C.

John M. Vaughan

400 3/4

$11500. Fairfield containing 350 acres; and adj. 50 3/4 acres [more details]. Witnesses: Thos Peers, John R. Sampson. Recorded 21 Dec 1835

VA Gooch DB 31.492

6 Jan 1839

John M. Vaughan & his wife Rebecca P.

Benjamin B. Anderson, of Richmond


Lickinghole Cr.

$11000. Tract 1: 406 acres known as Fairfield, adj. Lickinghole Cr. (William Bolling & Josiah Leake) (S&W), Josiah Leake (N) & Miles C. Seldon (E). Tract 2: 68 acres known as East’s Field adj. Miles C. Seldon (S), Josiah Leake (W), public Road (N), Samuel Cocke (E). Witnesses: J. B. Ferguson, Rd C. Vaughan, Wm F. Carter. Recorded 18 Feb 1839.

VA Gooch DB 32.105

6 Aug 1839

Benjamin B. Anderson & his wife Mary

John M. Vaughan

Corrective deed to exclude 5 acres from prior conveyance.

VA Gooch DB 32.245

25 Oct 1839

Charlotte A. Whorton

James B. Ferguson, et al, trustees fbo John M. Vaughan, et al

Trust Deed Mortgage. Skipped the rest.

VA Gooch DB 32.226

29 Nov 1839

John M. Vaughan & his wife Rebecca P.

Miles C. Seldon, et al trustees fbo John P. Cosby

Trust Deed Mortgage. Skipped the rest.

Judith Hopkins m. James Vaughan, Jr.

VA Gooch DB 22.390

2 Apr 1817

John M. Vaughan, of Tn.

William Hopkins


Big Bird Cr.

$35. 1/4 of a 1/9 part of 344 acres. Adj. Thomas Binford, William Hopkins. Land in possession of Mary Hopkins. His mother __ Vaughan was one of nine children of John Hopkins. Mary Hopkins was the widow of John Hopkins. He was one of four children. Witnesses: James Daniel, William Price, William Daniel. Recorded 21 Apr 1817.

Mary Vaughan

VA Gooch DB 10.094

17 Dec 1770

Frances Pryor

Mary Vaughan (Daughter)

Gift. Slaves left by my deceased husband Nicholas Meriwether. Witnesses: George Meriwether, Nicholas Meriwether, Edmund Vaughan. Recorded 17 Dec 1770.

VA Gooch DB 18.195

20 Dec 1799

Mary Vaughan

Micajah Crew, of Hanover Co.

Personal Property. Witnesses: Shadrack Vaughan, Unity Crew, Jack Vaughan. Recorded 15 Jun 1801.

VA Gooch DB 18.266

15 Sep 1801

Ambros Knight & his wife Arpasia, of Henrico Co.

James Vaughan

£75. Arpasia’s share of her father Matthew Vaughan’s estate together with her share of the dower lands of Mary Vaughan, widow of Matthew Vaughan. Witnesses: Wm. Galt, Thomas C. Vaughan, Henry Hudson Vaughan. Recorded 19 Oct 1801.

VA Gooch DB 19.135

23 Nov 1801

Daniel Thomas & his wife Mary

James Vaughan

£70. Mary Thomas’ share of her father Matthew Vaughan’s estate; and her share of the dower lands of her mother Mary Vaughan. Witnesses: Daniel Wade, Elisha Barnett. Recorded 19 Dec 1804. Dower release at DB 19.136.

VA Gooch DB 18.490-1

10 Sep 1802

Henry Hudson Vaughan

John Bass, of Chesterfield Co.


$1. Dower land of his mother Mary Vaughan, widow of Matthews Vaughan. Witnesses: Arthur Bass, Thomas Bass, Carp’t., John Bass, Jr. Recorded 17 Jan 1803.

VA Gooch DB 18.453

11 Oct 1802

Mary Thomas

Mary Vaughan


sh25 per acre. Mary Thomas’ share of her father Matthew Vaughan’s estate. Witnesses: Jack Vaughan, Lamud? Nuckols, Andrew K. Nuckols. Recorded 18 Oct 1802.

VA Gooch DB 18.576

8 Feb 1803

James Vaughan

John Curd & Nicholas M. Vaughan


wtrs Tuckahoe Cr.

Indemnity agreement secured Trust Deed Mortgage secured by by land & slaves. Adj. Daniel Wade, Henry H. Vaughan, Mary Vaughan, John Bass & his wife Nancy. Witnesses: None. Recorded 20 Jun 1803.

VA Gooch DB 21.501

13 Nov 1813

George Washington Vaughan, son and distibutee of Matthew Vaughan, dec’d.

John Bass, of Chesterfield Co.


£39. Being his share of 350 acres held by Mary Vaughan as dower lands. Witnesses: Wm Miller, L. H. Pankey, Edward R. Crouch. Recorded 17 Jan 1814.

Mary Vaughan m. Daniel Thomas

VA Gooch DB 19.135

23 Nov 1801

Daniel Thomas & his wife Mary

James Vaughan

£70. Mary Thomas’ share of her father Matthew Vaughan’s estate; and her share of the dower lands of her mother Mary Vaughan. Witnesses: Daniel Wade, Elisha Barnett. Recorded 19 Dec 1804. Dower release at DB 19.136.

VA Gooch DB 18.453

11 Oct 1802

Mary Thomas

Mary Vaughan


sh25 per acre. Mary Thomas’ share of her father Matthew Vaughan’s estate. Witnesses: Jack Vaughan, Lamud? Nuckols, Andrew K. Nuckols. Recorded 18 Oct 1802.

VA Gooch DB 18.490-2

23 Dec 1802

Mary Vaughan

William Barnett


wtrs Tuckahoe Cr.

£116. Mary Thomas’ share of her father Matthew Vaughan’s estate laid off to her and her husband Daniel Thomas, since dec’d. Witnesses: John Barnett, Elisha Barnett, Jack Vaughan. Recorded 17 Jan 1803.

Matilda Vaughan

VA Gooch DB 20.145

30 Apr 1808

Matilda Vaughan

Elizabeth S. Peers

£160. Matilda Vaughan’s share of her father Matthew Vaughan’s estate. Witnesses: Overton Nuckols, Nathan Nuckols, Thomas Nuckols, D. Guerrant. Recorded 20 Jun 1808.

Matthew Vaughan

VA Gooch DB 09.221

5 Jun 1769

William Hughes, of Hanover Co.

Matthew Vaughan


ss Allens Cr.

£30. Has metes & bounds. Adj. Henry, William Strong, Bromfield, Rice Hughes. Witnesses: John Guenant, Benjamin Hughes, Thomas Poindexter, Job Martin. Recorded 21 Aug 1769.

VA Gooch DB 10.274

10 Nov 1772

Rees Hughs & his wife Lucy

Matthew Vaughan


£50. Adj. Rev. Patrick Henry, Benjamin Woodson, Moses Broomfield, dec’d, Matthew Vaughan. Witnesses: William Strong, John James Baughan, John Guerrand. Recorded 16 Nov 1772.

VA Gooch DB 10.324

26 Feb 1773

John Holland & his wife Martha; and their son Hezekiah

Shadrack Vaughan


Br. Lickinghole Cr.

£63. Has metes & bounds. Witnesses: Jo. Pleasants, David Meriwether, Matthew Vaughan, John Parrish. Recorded 15 Mar 1773.

VA Gooch DB 10.534

14 Jan 1775

John Brumfield & his wife Ann; Ruth Brumfield, his mother; and Elijah Brumfield, his brother

Matthew Vaughan


Tuckaho Cr.

£48. Has metes & bounds. Adj. said John Brumfield, William Strong. Witnesses: William Strong, James Baughan, Johnson Strong, Richard Johnson. Recorded 17 Apr 1775.

VA Gooch DB 11.109

18 Mar 1776

Daniel Haws, of Hanover Co.

Matthew Vaughan


Tuckahoe Cr.

£210. Has metes & bounds. Witnesses: Thomas Underwood, Joseph Woodson, John Hopkins, William Royster. Recorded 15 Apr 1776.

VA Gooch DB 12.031

16 Jun 1777

Matthew Vaughan & his wife Mary

Giles Hardon


£271. Has metes & bounds. Adj. William Hughes, John Brumfield, Benjamin Woodson, Henry. Witnesses: George Morris, Jeffrey Clark, Thomas Harding. Recorded 18 Aug 1777. Dower release at DB 12.039.

VA Gooch DB 13.092

3 Feb 1780

Matthew Vaughan & his wife Mary

Thomas Watkins


W. br. of Tuckahoe Cr. bs Three Chop Rd.

£7000. Has metes & bounds. Adj. Gurrant, Brumfield, Isum Johnson. Witnesses: S. Fowles, John Gray, George Hencock. Recorded 21 Aug 1780.

VA Gooch DB 14.021

3 Feb 1780

Matthew Vaughan & his wife Mary

Thomas Watkins


W. br. of Tuckahoe Cr. bs Three Chop Rd.

£7000. Has metes & bounds. Adj. John Guerrant, Brumfield, Isum Johnson. Witnesses: S. Fowles, John Gray, George Hancock. Recorded 19 Apr 1784.

VA Gooch DB 13.086

19 Aug 1780

William Price & his wife Susanna

Matthew Vaughan


£2800. Where William Price now lives. Has metes & bounds. Adj. Pleasant Willis, Daniel Wade, Stephen Giles Letcher, Joseph Watson, Loving, John Williams. Witnesses: Shippley Broaddus, John Pryor, George Hancock. Recorded 20 Nov 1780.

VA Gooch DB 15.007

16 Feb 1788

James Vaughan

Matthew Vaughan (brother) or Nathaniel Pope

Power of attorney to sign an appeal bond. Witnesses: William Duval, Samuel Duvall. Recorded 18 Feb 1788.

VA Gooch DB 15.294

__ ___ ____

Thomas Underwood

Francis Underwood, Matthew Vaughan, of Goochland Co., Joseph Perkins of Louis Co. & William Lewis of Lincoln Co.


Mortgage. £1132sh5. 47 slaves. 725 acres bought from Drewry Williams; and 600 acres. Livestock. Witnesses: William Pope, John Crouch, Benjamin Hughes. Recorded 21 Sep 1789.

VA Gooch DB 15.492

29 Dec 1790

William Anderson & his wife Martha

Matthew Vaughan


£95. Where said Anderson now lives. Adj. John Redd, Matthew Vaughan. Except grave yard. Witnesses: Royal Allen, William Barnett, Edward N. Clough, John Ellett. Recorded 18 Apr 1791.

VA Gooch DB 16.170

15 Sep 1792

Matthew Vaughan

William Miller

Mortgage secured by personal property. Witnesses: Shadrack Vaughan, K. Vaughan. Recorded 20 Mar 1793.

VA Gooch DB 16.207

15 Jul 1793

Matthew Vaughan & William Miller

Wilson Nicholas, of Albemarle Co.

Mortgage secured by personal property. Witnesses: None. Recorded 15 Jul 1793.

VA Gooch DB 17.400

31 Aug 1793

John Taylor

John Hughes trustee fbo Matthew Vaughan

£270. Trust deed mortgage secured by personal property. Skipped the rest.

VA Gooch DB 16.259

14 Mar 1794

James Vaughan & his wife Elizabeth; and Smith Payne, trustee

Matthew Vaughan


£206. Sale of property subject to mortgage. Adj. William Barrett, John Red, William Saunders, John Lyme, John Hughes. Witnesses: John Purrington, John M. Peers, John Bass. Recorded 17 Mar 1794.

VA Gooch DB 16.309

15 Sep 1794

Matthew Vaughan, Shadrack Vaughan, et al


Bond for Matthew Vaughan to be appointed Sheriff. Recorded 15 Sep 1794.

VA Gooch DB 16.310

15 Sep 1794

Matthew Vaughan, Shadrack Vaughan, et al


Bond for Matthew Vaughan to be appointed Sheriff. Recorded 15 Sep 1794.

VA Gooch DB 16.311

15 Sep 1794

Matthew Vaughan, Shadrack Vaughan, et al


Bond for Matthew Vaughan to be appointed Sheriff. Recorded 15 Sep 1794.

VA Gooch DB 16.426

15 Jun 1795

Matthew Vaughan, et al


Bond for Matthew Vaughan to serve as Sheriff and Collector of Levies. Recorded 15 Jun 1795.

VA Gooch DB 17.011

20 Jun 1796

Matthew Vaughan, et al


Bond for Matthew Vaughan to serve as Sheriff and Collector of Levies. Recorded 20 Jun 1796.

Matthew Vaughan, dec’d.

VA Gooch DB 17.409

15 Oct 1798

James Vaughan

Thomas Miller

Mortgage secured by rights to the estate of his father Matthew Vaughan. Recorded 22 May 1799.

VA Gooch DB 18.197

19 May 1801

James Vaughan & his wife Judith

Daniel Wade

59 ½

£74. Adj. Price’s old spring, John Red. Distribution from my father Matthew Vaughan’s estate. Witnesses: Ro. H. Saunders, Heath J. Miller, Gideon Hatcher, D. Guerrant. Recorded 15 Jun 1801.

VA Gooch DB 18.266

15 Sep 1801

Ambros Knight & his wife Arpasia, of Henrico Co.

James Vaughan

£75. Arpasia’s share of her father Matthew Vaughan’s estate together with her share of the dower lands of Mary Vaughan, widow of Matthew Vaughan. Witnesses: Wm. Galt, Thomas C. Vaughan, Henry Hudson Vaughan. Recorded 19 Oct 1801.

VA Gooch DB 18.342

21 Sep 1801

James Vaughan & his wife Judith

Thomas Puryear, of Stanon Co.

£64sh10. Land allotted to Ambrose Knight. Corner of Goochland, Hanover & Henrico Counties. Adj. Rich’d. Lovell, Neal McCook, Hez’h Henley, Hudson Vaughan, Dandridge. Witnesses: W. Miller, Rich Bates, Nicholas M. Vaughan. Recorded 19 Apr 1802.

VA Gooch DB 19.135

23 Nov 1801

Daniel Thomas & his wife Mary

James Vaughan

£70. Mary Thomas’ share of her father Matthew Vaughan’s estate; and her share of the dower lands of her mother Mary Vaughan. Witnesses: Daniel Wade, Elisha Barnett. Recorded 19 Dec 1804. Dower release at DB 19.136.

VA Gooch DB 24.217

2 Aug 1802

James Vaughan, of Richmond

Daniel Wade


Tuckyhoe Cr.

£100. Adj. Wade, Matthew Vaughan, dec’d, John Bass, H. Henley. Witnesses: Gid Hatcher, James Watson, Eliza Cordes. Recorded 20 Dec 1819.

VA Gooch DB 18.490-1

10 Sep 1802

Henry Hudson Vaughan

John Bass, of Chesterfield Co.


$1. Dower land of his mother Mary Vaughan, widow of Matthews Vaughan. Witnesses: Arthur Bass, Thomas Bass, Carp’t., John Bass, Jr. Recorded 17 Jan 1803.

VA Gooch DB 18.453

11 Oct 1802

Mary Thomas

Mary Vaughan


sh25 per acre. Mary Thomas’ share of her father Matthew Vaughan’s estate. Witnesses: Jack Vaughan, Lamud? Nuckols, Andrew K. Nuckols. Recorded 18 Oct 1802.

VA Gooch DB 18.490-2

23 Dec 1802

Mary Vaughan

William Barnett


wtrs Tuckahoe Cr.

£116. Mary Thomas’ share of her father Matthew Vaughan’s estate laid off to her and her husband Daniel Thomas, since dec’d. Witnesses: John Barnett, Elisha Barnett, Jack Vaughan. Recorded 17 Jan 1803.

VA Gooch DB 19.241

24 Oct 1804

Jack Vaughan & his wife Rhoda

James Vaughan



£145. Jack Vaughan’s share of her father Matthew Vaughan’s estate. Witnesses: Thomas C. Vaughan, Gideon Hatcher, D. Guerrant, Ellis Puryear. Recorded 17Jun 1805.

VA Gooch DB 19.494

26 Nov 1805

James Vaughan

John Miller, et al


Mortgage. Tract 1: 94 acres purchased from John Vaughan; Tract 2: 94 acres purchased from Robert Harlow; Tract 3: 64 acres purchased from Thomas Moore; Tract 4: 230 acres purchased from John Mantelo; and slaves. Witnesses: N. Pope, Jr., David Royster, John Pollock, Thos. C. Vaughan, John Bowles, John L. Dickenson. Recorded 21 Jul 1806.

VA Gooch DB 20.145

30 Apr 1808

Matilda Vaughan

Elizabeth S. Peers

£160. Matilda Vaughan’s share of her father Matthew Vaughan’s estate. Witnesses: Overton Nuckols, Nathan Nuckols, Thomas Nuckols, D. Guerrant. Recorded 20 Jun 1808.

VA Gooch DB 24.468

2 Sep 1811

James Vaughan

Richard M. Caul


£318. Four tracts. Three allotted to his sisters, daus. of Matthew Vaughan and the dower tract allotted to Mary Vaughan, widow. Tract 1: 40 acres conveyed by Ambros Knight and his wife Arpasia; Tract 2: 40 acres conveyed by Daniel Thomas and Mary his wife; Tract 3: 40 acres conveyed by Philip Rice & his wife Martha; and Tract 4: 84 acres conveyed by Robert Harlow. Witnesses: (Numerous). Recorded 19 May 1821.

VA Gooch DB 23.005

10 Jan 1812

James Vaughan, of Richmond

Elizabeth S. Peers


£145. Jack Vaughan’s share of his father Matthew Vaughan’s estate. Witnesses: E. W. Trent, Wm B. Taylor, John Curd, Thos Curd. Recorded 31 Jul 1817.

VA Gooch DB 21.501

13 Nov 1813

George Washington Vaughan, son and distibutee of Matthew Vaughan, dec’d.

John Bass, of Chesterfield Co.


£39. Being his share of 350 acres held by Mary Vaughan as dower lands. Witnesses: Wm Miller, L. H. Pankey, Edward R. Crouch. Recorded 17 Jan 1814.

Nicholas C. Vaughan

VA Gooch DB 31.244

1 Sep 1837

Isaac P. Vaughan

Richard C. Vaughan, trustee fbo Ann R. Vaughan, gdn. of Ann Catharine Vaughan & Jane Pleasant Vaughan, orphans of Nicholas C. Vaughan, dec’d.

Debt: $772 with interest advanced for him to complete his medical education in Philadelphia in 1836 & 1837. Trust deed mortgage secured by the funds due him upon the death of his mother Ann R. Vaughan. Witnesses: Harriet J. Pleasants, J. M. Garland. Recorded 16 Oct 1837.

Nicholas M. Vaughan

VA Gooch DB 18.020

16 Apr 1800

Shadrack Vaughan

Nicholas M. Vaughan


Lickinghole Cr.

£100. Adj. Valentine Meriwether, said Shadrack Vaughan. Witnesses: Wm. Miller, Rich Bates. Recorded 21 Apr 1800.

VA Gooch DB 18.342

21 Sep 1801

James Vaughan & his wife Judith

Thomas Puryear, of Stanon Co.

£64sh10. Land allotted to Ambrose Knight. Corner of Goochland, Hanover & Henrico Counties. Adj. Rich’d. Lovell, Neal McCook, Hez’h Henley, Hudson Vaughan, Dandridge. Witnesses: W. Miller, Rich Bates, Nicholas M. Vaughan. Recorded 19 Apr 1802.

VA Gooch DB 18.576

8 Feb 1803

James Vaughan

John Curd & Nicholas M. Vaughan


wtrs Tuckahoe Cr.

Indemnity agreement secured Trust Deed Mortgage secured by by land & slaves. Adj. Daniel Wade, Henry H. Vaughan, Mary Vaughan, John Bass & his wife Nancy. Witnesses: None. Recorded 20 Jun 1803.

VA Gooch DB 20.587

20 Aug 1810

William Pastuer, of Fluvanna Co.

Nicholas M. Vaughan

420 ½

£1100. Known as Plynlimon. Tract 1 purchased from Col. George Payne; Tract 2 purchased from Edward Carter; and Tract 3 purchased from William Pledge. Witnesses: None. Recorded 20 Aug 1810.

VA Gooch DB 21.128

5 Sep 1811

Roderick Payne

Nicholas M. Vaughan

93 1/2

Beaverdam Cr.

$935. Has metes & bounds. Adj. Smith, Royster, land said Vaughan purchased from William Pastuer, John Royster. Witnesses: Joseph R. Harris, Isaac Pleasants, Charles Hopkins, Rich’d Redford, Jos. Woodson, Jr. Recorded 16 Sep 1811.

VA Gooch DB 21.130

16 Sep 1811

Nicholas M. Vaughan

William Miller


wtrs. Lickinghole Cr.

$1. Adj. estate of Shadrack Vaughan, Durgurd Mims. Purchased from Shadrack Vaughan. Witnesses: None. Recorded 16 Sep 1811.

VA Gooch DB 21.396

1 Feb 1813

Francis Pledge & his wife Judith

Nicholas M. Vaughan


James R.

$100. Undivided 1/3 part devised by my father. Adj. James R. (W), tract known as Plynlemmon (N), Robert Woodson, dec’d (E). Witnesses: Benjamin Anderson, Isaac W. Pleasants, Thomas B. Watkins. Recorded 19 Apr 1813.

VA Gooch DB 21.584

16 May 1814

Jacob Cooper

Francis W. Royster, trustee fbo Nicholas M. Vaughan

Trust deed mortgage. Skipped the rest.

VA Gooch DB 23.409

25 Aug 1814

Nicholas M. Vaughan & his wife Anna

William G. Poindexter

478 ½

Beverdam Cr. & James R.

£1885. Has metes & bounds. Adj. William Miller, Smith (now Garland), Royster. (A fractional interest in a 50 acre tract included within the boundaries is excluded from the sale.) Witnesses: Isaac Pleasants, Emily Pleasants, Susanna W. Pleasants. Recorded 21 Dec 1818.

VA Gooch DB 22.077

20 Nov 1815

Randolph Harrison & his wife Mary

Nicholas M. Vaughan


Lickinghole Cr. & James R.

$40000. Adj. William C. Williams, John Humber, dec’d, Thomas Miller, James B. Ferguson. Called Orapah. Witnesses: None. Recorded 20 Nov 1815.

VA Gooch DB 22.267

16 Sep 1816

Nicholas M. Vaughan & his wife Anna

Randolph Harrison


Lickinghole Cr. & James R.

$1. Mortgage. Called Oraprahes. Witnesses: None. Recorded 16 Sep 1816.

VA Gooch DB 24.127

17 Mar 1818

Austin Isaacks

James B. Ferguson, trustees fbo Nicholas M. Vaughan

Trust Deed Mortgage. Skipped the rest.

VA Gooch DB 24.225

21 Sep 1819

Isaac W. Pleasants

... Trustees fbo Nicholas M. Vaughan

Trust Deed Mortgage. Skipped the rest.

VA Gooch DB 29.031

16 Nov 1830

Nicholas M. Vaughan

John Meriwether Vaughan (son)

Power of attorney to handle affairs. Witnesses: George Payne, R. W. Pleasants, Chas. T. Pope, J. B. Ferguson. Recorded 21 Feb 1831.

VA Gooch DB 29.540

1 Oct 1832

Nicholas M. Vaughan & his wife Anna R. Vaughan

John M. Vaughan


$1. Witnesses: C. H. Massee, K. V. Argyle, Ed Garland. Recorded 18 Mar 1833.

VA Gooch DB 30.454

20 Aug 1835

John M. Vaughan, excr Doctor Nicholas M. Vaughan, dec’d. & Ann R. Vaughan, widow of Doctor Nicholas M. Vaughan, dec’d.

Miles C. Selden, of Henrico Co.


James R., Lickinghole Cr.

$20000. Known as Orapaks. Nicholas M. Vaughan purchased from Randolph Harrison. Adj. James R., Lickinghole Cr., John M. Trevelian, Samuel Cocke, Samuel Finch, Robert Stanard. Witnesses: None. Recorded 21 Dec 1835.

Richard C. Vaughan

VA Gooch DB 30.127

20 Feb 1834

John M. Vaughan & his wife Rebecca Pocahontas

Samuel Cocke


Stage Rd., Cartersville Rd., Charlottesville Rd.

$1000. Has metes & bounds. Adj. Nat. Banks, Samuel Finch, John M. Trevilean. Witnesses: J. B. Ferguson, Wm F. Carter, Rich’d C. Vaughan, Isaac P. Vaughan. Recorded 21 Jul 1834.

VA Gooch DB 31.059

18 Aug 1836

Charles M. Haskins

Trustees fbo Richard C. Vaughan

Trust Deed Mortgage. Skipped the rest.

VA Gooch DB 31.244

1 Sep 1837

Isaac P. Vaughan

Richard C. Vaughan, trustee fbo Ann R. Vaughan, gdn. of Ann Catharine Vaughan & Jane Pleasant Vaughan, orphans of Nicholas C. Vaughan, dec’d.

Debt: $772 with interest advanced for him to complete his medical education in Philadelphia in 1836 & 1837. Trust deed mortgage secured by the funds due him upon the death of his mother Ann R. Vaughan. Witnesses: Harriet J. Pleasants, J. M. Garland. Recorded 16 Oct 1837.

VA Gooch DB 31.509

__ Jan 1839

Benjamin B. Anderson, of Richmond

Richard C. Vaughan, et al, trustees fbo John M. Vaughan

Trust Deed Mortgage. Skipped the rest.

Samuel Vaughan

VA Gooch DB 16.511

15 Feb 1796

Stephen Southall & his wife Martha

Samuel Vaughan


[Faded and hard to read.] £130. Recorded 15 Feb 1796. Dower release at DB 17.398.

VA Gooch DB 18.501

15 Jan 1803

Samuel Vaughan, of Fluvanna Co.

William Drumwright


£110. Has metes & bounds. Adj. Syms. His wife Mourning Vaughan signed the deed and released her dower rights. Witnesses: None. Recorded 21 Feb 1803.

Shadrack Vaughan

VA Gooch DB 09.141

29 Nov 1767

Thomas Edwards

Shadrack Vaughan, of St. James Northam Parish


£20. Adj. _____ Bolling, John Prewit, John Humber, _____. Witnesses: Joseph Davis, Goodson Cawthon, John Prewit. Recorded 19 Apr 1768.

VA Gooch DB 10.008

__ ___ 1769

Shadrack Vaughan, of St. James Northam Parish

Thomas Edwards


£20. Adj. John Bolling, John Pruit, John Humber, Josias Leake. Witnesses: None. Recorded 18 Dec 1769.

VA Gooch DB 10.050

22 May 1770

John Holland & his wife Martha

Shadrack Vaughan


£555. Has metes & bounds. Adj. Col. Wood. Witnesses: None. Recorded 22 May 1770.

VA Gooch DB 10.186

11 Nov 1771

James George & his wife Agatha George

Shadrack Vaughan


Br. Lickinghole Cr.

£75sh10. Adj. Jesse Payne, dec’d., John Parrish, James George, Col. Payne, Valentine Martin, Valentine Woods. Witnesses: George Meriwether, Nicholas Meriwether, Edmund Vaughan. Recorded 20 Jul 1772.

VA Gooch DB 10.324

26 Feb 1773

John Holland & his wife Martha; and their son Hezekiah

Shadrack Vaughan


Br. Lickinghole Cr.

£63. Has metes & bounds. Witnesses: Jo. Pleasants, David Meriwether, Matthew Vaughan, John Parrish. Recorded 15 Mar 1773.

VA Gooch DB 14.354

28 Sep 1786

Henry Wood

Shadrack Vaughan


Lickinghole Cr.

£1000. Adj. Wood, Vaughan. Witnesses: Samuel Pryor, Gua__? Duberry, William McClellan, James Maddocks. Recorded 18 Dec 1786.

VA Gooch DB 14.419

18 Jun 1787

Shadrack Vaughan

Charles Massee


Lickinghole Cr.

£56. Has metes & bounds. Adj. John Richards, Charles Massee. Witnesses: William Richards, Stephen Crutchfield, John Green. Recorded 18 Jun 1787.

VA Gooch DB 14.420

18 Jun 1787

Shadrack Vaughan

John Richards


Lickinghole Cr.

£62sh8. Has metes & bounds. Adj. Henry Woods, William Richards, John Richards. Witnesses: John Green, Stephen Crutchfield, Will Richards. Recorded 18 Jun 1787.

VA Gooch DB 15.350

18 Dec 1789

Henry Wood, Shadrack Vaughan, William Sampson, of St. James Northam Parish

Frances Bush, of St. James Northam Parish


Br. Lickinghole Cr.

£50. Has metes & bounds. 25 ½ acres from Wood & Sampson; and 24 ½ acres from Vaughan. Witnesses: Humphrey Ellis, J. Rawlins, Jr., George Guest, Mitchell Whitlock, Green Murrer, William Murrer. Recorded 15 Feb 1790.

VA Gooch DB 15.364

19 Apr 1790

Shadrack Vaughan

George Rutherford, of Louisa Co.


£50. Adj. Robert Payne, Fras Boush, Henry Wood, Church Rd. Witnesses: None. Recorded 19 Apr 1790.

VA Gooch DB 15.560

5 Jan 1791

Shadrack Vaughan & Henry Wood

George Payne


Br. Lickinghole Cr.

£100. Agnus McDonald, Booker Parrish, Frank Boush, George Rutherford, John Richards, said Henry Wood. Witnesses: William Richards, R. Quarles, N. M. Vaughan. Recorded 16 Aug 1791.

VA Gooch DB 16.170

15 Sep 1792

Matthew Vaughan

William Miller

Mortgage secured by personal property. Witnesses: Shadrack Vaughan, K. Vaughan. Recorded 20 Mar 1793.

VA Gooch DB 16.309

15 Sep 1794

Matthew Vaughan, Shadrack Vaughan, et al


Bond for Matthew Vaughan to be appointed Sheriff. Recorded 15 Sep 1794.

VA Gooch DB 16.310

15 Sep 1794

Matthew Vaughan, Shadrack Vaughan, et al


Bond for Matthew Vaughan to be appointed Sheriff. Recorded 15 Sep 1794.

VA Gooch DB 16.311

15 Sep 1794

Matthew Vaughan, Shadrack Vaughan, et al


Bond for Matthew Vaughan to be appointed Sheriff. Recorded 15 Sep 1794.

VA Gooch DB 18.195

20 Dec 1799

Mary Vaughan

Micajah Crew, of Hanover Co.

Personal Property. Witnesses: Shadrack Vaughan, Unity Crew, Jack Vaughan. Recorded 15 Jun 1801.

VA Gooch DB 18.020

16 Apr 1800

Shadrack Vaughan

Nicholas M. Vaughan


Lickinghole Cr.

£100. Adj. Valentine Meriwether, said Shadrack Vaughan. Witnesses: Wm. Miller, Rich Bates. Recorded 21 Apr 1800.

VA Gooch DB 21.130

16 Sep 1811

Nicholas M. Vaughan

William Miller


wtrs. Lickinghole Cr.

$1. Adj. estate of Shadrack Vaughan, Durgurd Mims. Purchased from Shadrack Vaughan. Witnesses: None. Recorded 16 Sep 1811.

Thomas C. Vaughan

VA Gooch DB 18.266

15 Sep 1801

Ambros Knight & his wife Arpasia, of Henrico Co.

James Vaughan

£75. Arpasia’s share of her father Matthew Vaughan’s estate together with her share of the dower lands of Mary Vaughan, widow of Matthew Vaughan. Witnesses: Wm. Galt, Thomas C. Vaughan, Henry Hudson Vaughan. Recorded 19 Oct 1801.

VA Gooch DB 19.241

24 Oct 1804

Jack Vaughan & his wife Rhoda

James Vaughan



£145. Jack Vaughan’s share of her father Matthew Vaughan’s estate. Witnesses: Thomas C. Vaughan, Gideon Hatcher, D. Guerrant, Ellis Puryear. Recorded 17Jun 1805.

VA Gooch DB 19.494

26 Nov 1805

James Vaughan

John Miller, et al


Mortgage. Tract 1: 94 acres purchased from John Vaughan; Tract 2: 94 acres purchased from Robert Harlow; Tract 3: 64 acres purchased from Thomas Moore; Tract 4: 230 acres purchased from John Mantelo; and slaves. Witnesses: N. Pope, Jr., David Royster, John Pollock, Thos. C. Vaughan, John Bowles, John L. Dickenson. Recorded 21 Jul 1806.

Thomas W. Vaughan

VA Gooch DB 24.412

17 Apr 1820

Craddock Vaughan & his wife Mary

Thomas W. Vaughan (their son)


Gift. SE part of land where they reside. Has metes & bounds. Adj. Robert H. Woodson, dec’d., Col. William Gray, William G. Poindexter, Path. Witnesses: None. Recorded 19 Feb 1821.

VA Gooch DB 30.005

11 Jan 1834

Thomas W. Vaughan

Peter Guerrant, Trustee fbo Richard Sampson


Trust Deed Mortgage. Adj. Craddock Vaughan, et al. Skipped the rest.


VA Gooch DB 20.545

18 Jun 1810

Washington Vaughan

Robert Snead, of Hanover Co.

51 ½

bs Hockett’s Rd.

$343 1/3. Has metes & bounds. Adj. Mrs. Vaughan, Snead, Woodson, Harlow. Witnesses: William Hughes, P. Smith, Jas. Underwood, Marcellus Smith. Recorded 18 Jun 1810. Plat recorded with the deed.

William Vaughan

VA Gooch DB 25.225

18 Feb 1822

William Vaughan

... Trustees fbo William Taurman

Trust Deed Mortgage secured by a chest of tools. Skipped the rest.

William W. Vaughan

VA Gooch DB 32.043

19 Jan 1839

Benjamin Mosby, surviving excr. of Richard Crouch, dec’d of Powhatan Co. & Elizabeth Smith of Goochland Co.

William W. Vaughan


$5. Part of 324 acres [complex set of facts recited in the deed.] Witnesses: None. Recorded 18 Jun 1839.

VA Gooch DB 32.045

21 Jan 1839

William W. Vaughan

James Sneed trustee fbo Elizabeth Y. Vaughan (formerly Elizabeth Y. Smith the dau. of Elizabeth Smith), wife of William W. Vaughan

[Complex set of facts recited in the deed arising from the will of Richard Crouch.] Recorded 18 Jun 1839.


VA Gooch DB 25.152



Nicholas M. Vaughan




VA Gooch DB 25.470


Nicholas M. Vaughan





VA Gooch DB 25.640


Nicholas M. Vaughan





VA Gooch DB 25.641


Nicholas M. Vaughan





VA Gooch DB 25.642


Nicholas M. Vaughan





VA Gooch DB 25.643


Nicholas M. Vaughan





VA Gooch DB 25.644


Nicholas M. Vaughan





VA Gooch DB 26.175


Nicholas M. Vaughan





VA Gooch DB 26.345


Nicholas M. Vaughan





VA Gooch DB 26.346


Nicholas M. Vaughan





VA Gooch DB 26.347


Nicholas M. Vaughan





VA Gooch DB 26.436


Nicholas M. Vaughan





VA Gooch DB 27.186



Nicholas M. Vaughan




VA Gooch DB 27.188



Nicholas M. Vaughan




VA Gooch DB 27.190



Nicholas M. Vaughan




VA Gooch DB 27.367


Nicholas M. Vaughan





VA Gooch DB 27.545



Nicholas M. Vaughan




VA Gooch DB 28.247


Nicholas M. Vaughan





VA Gooch DB 29.136


Nicholas M. Vaughan





VA Gooch DB 29.154


Nicholas M. Vaughan





VA Gooch DB 29.604


Nicholas M. Vaughan





VA Gooch DB 29.654



Nicholas M. Vaughan




VA Gooch DB 29.656


Nicholas M. Vaughan





VA Gooch DB 30.383



Nicholas M. Vaughan




VA Gooch DB 30.466



John M. Vaughan




VA Gooch DB 30.533


John M. Vaughan





Compiled By: David H. Robertson, 159 Hickory St., Roswell, GA 30075